Introduction: do you understand Peyote stitch structure?

We're going to start with a simple little quiz. This is just to see how well you currently understand the Peyote stitch structure.

Now, if you get all the answers wrong, that's absolutely fine... In fact, it's a good thing: it probably means you've been struggling to read Peyote charts because you don't fully understand the stitch structure. So, you're in exactly the right place as we're about to learn that!

If you get all the answers right, then please pat yourself on the back. You're off to a great start and the next little lesson should feel quite familiar.

To start with, please download the photo in the file below. Make sure you can see it as you are going to be answering some questions about it in the quiz that follows.

Now, I'll keep on saying this... Don't worry if you got all the answers wrong in that quiz! It just shows you what you know at the moment. And if you knew it all, you wouldn't be taking this course!

So, let's move on. I'm going to explain the flat Peyote structure in simple steps. So, you'll get to understand how that works, then watch me apply it to a chart.

We're going to use all that information to create a simple word chart for you to follow.

If you're thinking that sounds very complicated, don't worry. I'm going to be guiding you through all the way. So, you'll get to watch me create a word chart, before I ask you to try a simple example yourself. I'll be giving you the answers, so you can work out anywhere you get stuck.

Then, you have the option to bead some samples to try out your new skills for real...but only if you want to!

So, let's get going - time to move on to the next lesson...

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