What techniques will you be using?

You are going to be using a variety of simple techniques to make your Gerbera beaded necklace. Don't worry if any (or all) of these are new to you... I will be demonstrating everything in videos.

I've made one sample video free to view before you enrol. I did that because I want you to feel confident that you are going to be able to learn how to make this beautiful necklace before you invest in the workshop.

The techniques you will learn are:

  • Basic Modified Right Angle Weave (MRAW)
  • Basic Tubular Peyote
  • Adding rows in MRAW
  • Tubular Herringbone
  • How to use Split Rings

If you know some of these already, then that's great - you'll be on familiar territory as you make this project. And, as I just said, if these are new to you, don't worry - I'll be demonstrating all of them. Plus you can ask me questions if you get stuck as you are making the project.

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