Will this course help you?

If you're liking the sound of what you will learn, but still unsure whether you really need this course, then take this quiz to find out.

How did you do?

If you scored well on the first two questions, then that means you already have a good knowledge of basic colour theory and also bead colouring. So, you will have a head start in part one of the course. If you scored badly on these two questions, then you're really going to benefit from the knowledge I'll be sharing in part one of the course.

If you scored well on the second two questions, then you probably already feel confident making changes to the colours recommended in a tutorial or workshop. Maybe you have more to learn, and maybe the structures provided by this course will help you. Or, maybe you already feel you know enough.

If you scored well on the last two questions, then you're probably already designing your own pieces. But if you feel like you don't really know where to start, then this course is going to give you some great structures to work with.

So, how does the course work? Click the 'complete and continue' button to find out!

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