How does this online class work?
If you like the look of the project, then it's time to decide whether or not to enroll on this online class.
How will you work?
You get to work through all the material in your own time, at your own pace. So, you might complete the project in one sitting, or you may come back to it at different times.
You can start as soon as you have paid the enrollment fee. Or, you can save it up to take the class at a later date.
You also get lifetime access to the class once you have enrolled. So, you can come back and view the videos over and over, as long as the class remains available in my school.
I have given you a PDF tutorial, with written instructions and diagrams. You can download this to work from.
You also get a set of videos demonstrating the different techniques you will be using. I have split these up, so each video follows just one aspect of the project. That way, you can bead along with me, getting the information in manageable chunks.
If you have questions, you can ask me. Once you are enrolled on the class, you will see comments boxes at the end of each section. Just write your question or leave your comments in there. All comments are moderated before they go live. I will answer questions during working hours (UK time). So, you may have to wait patiently for an answer.
You can also talk to other students on the class, leaving messages in the comments, or replying to existing comments. So, you are welcome to help each other out too.
How do you get started?
If that all sounds good, then just click on the enroll button and make your payment. On the payments page, you will see a drop-down menu which allows you to choose to pay via Paypal or with your credit/debit card.
As soon as you have made the payment, you are set to get started.
You should receive an email receipt with a link to take you to the class pages. But sometimes these don't get delivered, or end up in spam folders. It's not a problem, though...
Just return to this page. You may be able to see you have access to the lessons. If not, then please log in to your account (click on the little 'head' icon at the top right of the page). You will then see all your courses there.
Please double-check your email address when you enroll. If you use an incorrect address, or mis-type it, your enrollment will register to that 'wrong' email, meaning you won't receive your receipt or any other communication from me. You will also have to use the 'wrong' email to log in. Since it's tricky to remember all of that, please take care that you type your address accurately, so you don't end up dealing with that problem.
After you are enrolled and have made a start, please make sure you bookmark the course page so you can find it again easily at any time. If you are ever asked to pay again, it will only be because you're not logged in. So, just log in to your account, and you'll see you have full access to all the lessons.
So, off you go...time to start...happy beading!