Fixing problems

If you do come across any technical problems with this online class, please check here to see if I have provided a way to fix them...

Problem: I have already paid for the course, but I'm being asked to pay again.

Solution: You need to log in to your account. If you are working through the course, then just follow the orange 'log in' link on the page where you are being asked to pay and enrol. If you are on the sales page, then at the top right of the page, you will see a little 'head' icon. Click on that to access your account, log in, and you will see all the courses you have joined. You can then follow the material from your chosen course.

Problem: The videos aren't working

Solution: issues with the video are usually caused by your device, or internet browser. So, the first thing to do is try watching the class on a different device, or using a different browser.

If that isn't helping, then please check out this troubleshooting guide:


The material on here is hosted by Teachable, so you should address technical issues to their support service, which you can find at this link:

If your problem is beading-related, then please leave a comment at the end of one of the lessons in the course. Note, you will need to be enrolled on the course to do this.

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