How to use this section

This is where you will choose your lantern design and get the PDF tutorial for that design. Here's how to do it...

Step 1: Choose the design

In each of the next sections, I have given you a short video to showcase the design, plus the exact materials list for that lantern. So, please view each design in order to choose the one you wish to use.

Step 2: Read the next set of instructions carefully

Immediately after the designs, you have a final set of instructions in this section (called, "How to get your chosen design tutorial"). These will give you the coupon code you need to use to download the design that is included in your class. [NOTE: this section will only be available to you once you have started the class, so if you are viewing before you have enrolled, you won't be able to see this or follow the next two steps.]

If you want to make more than one design, remember, you can, but you will need to pay for additional designs (they're not expensive!).

Step 3: Go to the Beadflowers website to download your chosen design

Once you have chosen your design and found your coupon code, you need to follow the link that is provided with the coupon code. There, you will be able to select your pattern(s). Remember to add the coupon code when you check out so that your first pattern is provided for free.

Note: if you live in an EU country, you will need to email me ([email protected]) to get your side pattern design

Step 4: Start beading

Now, with your design for the sides, you can start beading your lantern. So, you will need to return to this class to download your PDF for the general lantern structure. You will also need to follow the video tutorials in this class, alongside the PDF. But you have your separate lantern design pattern to make your chosen lantern.

So, click on the 'complete and continue' button above to move on and start choosing your design...

Complete and Continue